View SBT: Opensea

Users can view their SBT in OpenSea. Link to OpenSea is sent to users via Email

Users can login into OpenSea using


Wallet Connect

Users who minted SBT using social login will have to follow this path. Upon clicking the Open Wallet link, a pop-up with the Torus Wallet will open.

On the OpenSea website, click on WalletConnect option to login, you'll see this screen.

Click on Copy to clipboard. Paste the wallet connect url copied above to this box, and click anywhere on the screen. Within seconds, you'll see a green banner saying it's connected.

At this time, go to OpenSea .You'll see a Modal to Accept and Sign. Click on it and come back to the Torus Wallet.

In your Torus Wallet, you'll need to confirm the permission on the shown Modal. Upon confirming, you'll be logged into OpenSea

Last updated